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#1 21-11-2018 11:16:13

Registered: 21-11-2018
Posts: 13

Changes for v9.4 P10

Below are the following changes (an every growing list) that are needed to upgrade from v9.3 to v9.4


  1. Installation directory path from "Southern X Integrators" to "SXI"

  2. $Field$ changes to ~#~Field~#~ where-ever there is a field substitution (E.g. custom query, SOAP Connector URL ... etc)

  3. Multi-line Regex

  4. New License Requestor

  5. SMTP connector no longer needs APPData

  6. SOAP Connector can send v1.1 or v1.2

SXI Web Services

  1. Old version accepted big payloads where new version doesn't - Sechaba has resolution (This is a client side tomcat configuration issue)

  2. Can receive v1.1 or 1.2


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