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Date Subtraction
<sxi:DataDefinition name="CalculateTotalTimeOnsite">
<!-- Convert the Date to Epoch -->
<sxi:Field name="ActualWorkStartDate">
<sxi:DateToEpoch InputDateFormat="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"/>
<!-- Convert the Date to Epoch -->
<sxi:Field name="FinalDateTime">
<sxi:DateToEpoch InputDateFormat="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"/>
<!-- Subtract the Epoch Final Date From Epoch Start Date to get the difference in seconds -->
<sxi:Field name="EpochFinalDateTime">
<sxi:Expression operator="-">
<sxi:Operand inputField="yes">EpochActualWorkStartDate</sxi:Operand>
<!-- Convert the seconds difference to minutes -->
<sxi:Field name="EpochTotalTime">
<sxi:Expression operator="/">
Credit goes to Lauren.
Nope does not work on early dates.
Not sure from which date this will work but check start date 1989-05-01 01:07:54 and end date 1989-05-02 01:07:54 for example
This is happening due to a bug in the code. The developer thought a good way to convert the Epoch milliseconds to Epoch seconds would be to truncate the field to a length of 10. Obviously this would not work on earlier dates because the truncation removes significant digits resulting in incorrect times.
Can someone think of a workaround for this while we wait for the code to be fixed??
Nope does not work on early dates.
Not sure from which date this will work but check start date 1989-05-01 01:07:54 and end date 1989-05-02 01:07:54 for example
This has been fixed in v2.1P9
There are now 2 rules:
- DateToEpoch: This will return the number of SECONDS since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
- DateToMilliseconds: This will return the number of MILLISECONDS since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
Pages: 1