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Below is a basic installation plan for Elastic Stack. Elastic stack is made up of many components however this outlines the 3 main ones.
Basic configuration files can be found in the SXI Github Repository
To install some of these products as a Windows Service you will need the NSSM util which can be downloaded here
As a SXI standard we normally extract this util to X:\SXI\Utilities
Download the relevant Elastic Stack products from here
Extract each of the zip files into their own directory under the X:/SXI/Dashboard directory.
X: is the drive you wish to run Elastic Stack from, Dashboard is a SXI standard location for the Elastic Installation.
There must be NO spaced in the path name to the elastic stack directories.
To install “elasticsearch” as a windows service perform the following tasks:
Ensure that a System Variable called JAVA_HOME it pointing a jre directory that was installed previously
Run the following command “elasticsearch-service.bat install” from within the X:\SXI\Dashboard\elasticsearch\bin directory
To test is ElasticSearch was installed correctly start the service and browse to you should eventually be greeted with a json object which includes the following:
"tagline" : "You Know, for Search"
Logstash needs a config file to tell it what logs to collect from where. These are normally kept in the config directory. Please see Using Logstash for more information.
To install “logstash” as a windows service perform the following tasks:
Create the following dir x:\SXI\Dashboard\sincedb
Ensure you have created a config file as described in this post.
In X:\SXI\Dashboard\logstash\bin run the following command: “X:\SXI\Utilities\nssm.exe install logstash”
In the dialog box that pops up set Path: to X:\SXI\Dashboard\logstash\bin\logstash.bat
Startup directory is automatically populated with X:\SXI\Dashboard\logstash\bin
Set the Arguments to -f X:\SXI\Dashboard\logstash\config\name_of_the_config_you_created.json
It may be better to use the -b X:\SXI\Dashboard\configs - this way we can keep all the logstash configs in one place and they will all be loaded
Set the Service name = Logstash 6.x where x = latest version available
Under the Details tab set Description: = Logstash 6.x Windows Service -
To install “kibana” as a windows service perform the following tasks:
In X:\SXI\Dashboard\kibana\bin run the following command: “X:\SXI\Utilities\nssm.exe install kibana”
In the dialog box that pops up set Path: to X:\SXI\Dashboard\kibana\bin\kibana.bat
Startup directory is automatically populated with X:\SXI\Dashboard\kibana\bin
Set the Service name = Kibana 6.x where x = latest version available
Under the Details tab set Description: = Kibana 6.x Windows Service -
To test if Kibana was setup correctly start the service and browse to and you will eventually see the Kibana Icon.
Elastic Search Configuration
Basic configuration files can be found in the SXI Github Repository
Change elasticsearch.yml in X:\SXI\Dashboard\elasticsearch\config as follows
Uncomment Line 37. ##path.logs: /path/to/logs and change to path.logs: X:/SXI/Dashboard/elasticsearch/logs
Uncomment Line 56. and change to point to hosts ip address
Uncomment Line 59. #http.port: 9200 but leave the port as 9200
Kibana Configuration
Basic configuration files can be found in the SXI Github Repository
Change kibana.yml in X:\SXI\Dashboard\kibana\config as follows:
Uncomment Line 2. but Leave the default port of 5601
Uncomment Line 7. "localhost" and point to your hosts ip address
Uncomment Line 18. "your-hostname" and insert your servers hostname
Uncomment Line 22. #elasticsearch.url: "http://localhost:9200" and replace localhost with your hosts ip adress
Logstash Configuration
Basic configuration files can be found in the SXI Github Repository
NOTE: Do NOT change the logstash.yml config - leave the log level as is - this has a performance and capacity implication if this is changed.
Create the following dir x:\SXI\Dashboard\sincedb
Copy the SXI_Logstash_Config into the x:\SXI\Dashboard\configs directory
Basic configuration files can be found in the SXI Github Repository
Metricbeat is use to send System metrics about the host where it is installed to an Elasticsearch server. Metrics can be sent to Elasticsearch directly or through logstash.
Download MetricBeats from here and extract it to x:\SXI\Dashboard\metrics (this directory is not critical though as this can be installed anywhere)
Before installing metricbeat edit the install-service-metricbeat.ps1 and replace the service name with something more meaningful. E.g. "X-ServerMonitor"
To install the service open "PowerShell" as administrator and run the following:
powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File install-service-metricbeat.ps1
you should see the message that "X-ServerMonitor" was successfully installed.
Next run
.\metricbeat.exe modules enable system
which enables the operating system metrics to be collected. there are a number of additional modules that whose explanation is beyond the scope of this post.
Running this:
.\metricbeat.exe setup -e
will send the default dashboard and visualizations to Kibana.
Remember when editing "install-service-metricbeat.ps1" to change displayName to X-ServerMonitor on line 13 and change line 14 as follows: `"C:\SXI\Dashboard\metricbeat\Data`" -path.logs `"C:\SXI\Dashboard\metricbeat\logs`
Last edited by MarekR (04-03-2019 11:54:46)
Pages: 1