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#1 21-11-2018 10:01:33

Registered: 20-11-2018
Posts: 148

Java error in XPress Station when telnet received.

Is it correct to receive the following error when someone attempts to telnet on port 9751 to check connectivity?

12:01:49 -             - ****************************************************************************************************
12:01:49 -          - * Southern X Integrators        XPress/Station Started.  (X-Layer Version 9.1.11)
12:01:49 -          - ****************************************************************************************************
12:01:49 -             - 
12:01:49 -             - 0 Log files with prefix >XPress/Station< deleted from C:Program FilesSouthern X IntegratorsXPressStationlogs
12:01:49 -             - 
12:01:49 -             - Logging Level                             ==> INFORMATION
12:01:49 -             - Log Directory                             ==> C:Program FilesSouthern X IntegratorsXPressStationlogs
12:01:49 -             - Log file retention                        ==> 7
12:01:49 - INFORMATION - Default output directory: C:Program FilesSouthern X IntegratorsXPressXmlOut
12:01:49 - INFORMATION - Other configured directories are: 
12:01:49 - INFORMATION - 1) (?i)^CustomFilenameHere~.*.xml$ : C:Program FilesSouthern X IntegratorsXPressXmlOutCustomFilename
12:01:49 - INFORMATION - Server is listening on port 9751
12:04:31 - ERROR       - Socket error: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
12:04:31 - WARNING     - Unrecognized client, possibly telnet session or similar non-SSL connection
12:11:59 - ERROR       - Socket error: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
12:11:59 - WARNING     - Unrecognized client, possibly telnet session or similar non-SSL connection


#2 21-11-2018 10:22:35

Registered: 20-11-2018
Posts: 148

Re: Java error in XPress Station when telnet received.

Non SSL Connection

Yes, this message is correct, telnet operates without any encryption (plain text), where as Station expects SSL connections which are treated as a different kind connection.

This message "Unrecognized client, possibly telnet session or similar non-SSL connection" was added to to the log to indicate that the connection was either from telnet or a similar program not using the SSL protocol. There are some non-standard telnet-like tools that do offer SSL support though, however we have never needed them as we have the Station Tester application for this purpose.


#3 21-11-2018 10:23:10

Registered: 20-11-2018
Posts: 148

Re: Java error in XPress Station when telnet received.

Yes that is correct, it is just warning you that a non SSL connection is attempting to connect. I am thinking though that we should change that level to Warning to make not sound so serious.


#4 21-11-2018 10:23:54

Registered: 20-11-2018
Posts: 148

Re: Java error in XPress Station when telnet received.

We will just need to put in a specific check for that exact message as it's a general SSLSocket exception, which is a valid error in many other cases, but should be able to read the message text and give the warning message where applicable


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