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#1 22-11-2018 07:31:34

Registered: 20-11-2018
Posts: 148

Getting Fiddler to capture SoapUI packets

Fiddler is a free web debugging proxy.  What that means is that if you are trying to consume a web service you can see what the details of the packet that you are sending looks like.

We can test sending data to webservices with a tool like SoapUI.  SoapUI can be used to test REST and SOAP transactions to a web service.  If we can successfully consume a webservice using SoapUI we should be able to see what the packet must look like (using Fiddler) and we can compare that to what we are sending from XLayer.  This is obviously only if we are experiencing issues.

As Fiddler is a proxy we need to configure SoapUI to send through this proxy.  To do this, in SoapUI go to
File -> Preferences -> Proxy Settings.  In the dialog on the right change the following:
"ProxySetting:" to Manual
Port 8888

After that start Fiddler and (pressing F12) start capturing packets.  Then run your test from SoapUI and you should see the packets appearing in Fiddler.

The information was found here


#2 22-11-2018 08:34:42

Registered: 20-11-2018
Posts: 148

Re: Getting Fiddler to capture SoapUI packets

You can configure Oxygen to do the same by setting up a proxy in the same way.

Go to:
Options -> Preferences -> HTTP(S)/(S)FTP/Proxy Configuration

under Web Proxy (HTTP/HTTPS)
Address =
Port    = 8888

This will allow you to capture Oxygen packets in Fiddler.


#3 22-11-2018 08:35:06

Registered: 20-11-2018
Posts: 148

Re: Getting Fiddler to capture SoapUI packets

You can get Fiddler to capture packets from X-ServiceBroker as well.

In SXI/X-ServiceBroker/bin you will find a file X-ServiceBroker.vmoptions

add the following lines to the bottom of the file


save it and restart X-ServiceBroker.


#4 20-05-2019 14:56:31

Registered: 21-11-2018
Posts: 13

Re: Getting Fiddler to capture SoapUI packets

Note: If you need to use Fiddler to capture packets from X-ServiceBroker when consuming a Web Service that uses SSL, you need to set the HTTPS VM options for X-ServiceBroker as follows:

In SXI/X-ServiceBroker/bin you will find a file X-ServiceBroker.vmoptions

add the following lines to the bottom of the file


save it and restart X-ServiceBroker.


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